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Turn off your cellphones because of cosmic rays from Mars? That's a hoax
May 1, 2015 12:00am
Are you worried about a message you received asking you to
turn off your cellphones because of cosmic rays entering the Earth from Mars?
Then worry no more because that's nothing but a hoax.
As the website Hoax-Slayer.com notes: "Depending on their type,
cosmic rays come from outside our solar system or from the sun. They do not
come from Mars or any other planet. And, the Earth's atmosphere largely
protects us from cosmic rays.
The site also notes that there are no news organizations
reporting about the event. "There are no reports about this supposed
threat on BBC news. Nor is there any evidence that cosmic rays could somehow
make cell phones dangerous. Sharing this silly nonsense will help nobody,"
said the site.
The hoax has been going on for years, with a 2010
report by the BBC on how people in Ghana fell for it.
"The rumour began on Sunday night with a text message
quoting US space agency Nasa and the BBC as saying that 'cosmic rays' were to
hit the Earth," the 2010 BBC report read, before detailing how it caused
mass panic in Ghana.
The hoax seems to have been going around in the Philippines
since 2012. That year, a Filipino science blogger wrote about receiving a message, ending his post with a
plea: "So, to anyone who will receive this kind of message, please think
it over and help educate others. :) Spreading dubious and unsubstantiated
warnings such as this is counterproductive and is unlikely to help
anyone." — JST, GMA News
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