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8 Facts About The Female Orgasm Everyone Should Know

by 10:06 0 comments

1. The clitoris has a whole lot of nerve endings -- approximately 8,000 give or take.
2. Most women need direct clitoral stimulation in order to orgasm. (It takes work, people.) 
3. Some women can even orgasm just from kissing. Kissing is basically magic.
4. A woman’s pain threshold can increase up to 107 percent during climax.
5. A small percentage of women reported being able to orgasm during childbirth. One small perk, at least.
6. Women can orgasm from having anal sex.
7. Ten percent of women report achieving orgasm through exercise. Now there's an incentive to go to the gym.
8. The vaginal orgasm is basically a myth. Womp, womp.

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