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Top 5 Most Aggressive Small Dog Breeds in the World

by 17:32 0 comments
Breeds like pit bulls and rottweilers get a lot of attention as being “aggressive” breeds. In contrast, most people think of small and toy breeds as cute, clownish and harmless, but that is not always true.
Some small breeds have been bred to hunt and kill prey, and others can be aggressive due to fear or inbreeding, and you should take that possibility into account when choosing the right dog for you.
Here is a look at some of the most aggressive small dog breeds.

1. Manchester Terrier

The Manchester Terrier is a bright, lively and energetic breed that is usually good with kids. These dogs are very playful and enjoy plenty of exercise.
However, like most terriers, the Manchester was bred to hunt vermin, and it was very good at that job thanks to its tenacious and sometimes even aggressive nature.
This terrier has a strong prey drive, which can lead him to be aggressive with smaller animals. He is likely to take off and chase birds, squirrels and other outdoor critters, so keep him leashed outdoors.
The Manchester terrier is not a good choice in a home with small pets like kittens, hamsters and guinea pigs. These pets will not be safe around a dog that was bred to hunt them out and kill them.
The Manchester Terrier is generally not a threat to humans if it is well trained. However, these dogs do need their own space, and can snap at people who refuse to leave them alone when they want some alone time.
As a result, they are not generally recommended for families with very young children. Older kids who can understand when the dog wants to be left alone should not have a problem, however.

2. Lhasa Apso

The Lhasa Apso is an ancient breed from Tibet. Her cute and fluffy appearance can deceive – Lhasas are in fact quite hardy.
These dogs are intelligent and do well with obedience training. They can be taught to sit, heel and even beg if owners are persistent with training them.
However, there are a few character traits that new owners of Lhasa Apso dogs need to keep in mind.
Though often similar in appearance to Shih Tzus, the temperaments of Lhasa Apso dogs can be very different. The Shih Tzu was bred as a companion dog and tends to be friendly with people, even children.
In contrast, the Lhasa was bred to guard the temples in Tibet, and it takes that job very seriously. Lhasas tend to be standoffish with unfamiliar people, especially children, and can be nippy if approached too suddenly or boisterously.
This behavior is understandable given the small size of the dog, which can feel as though it needs to protect itself from larger humans.
Treat this dog with care and respect. Despite its small size, it is capable of inflicting a painful bite. However, in a calm environment with familiar people, the Lhasa Apso can make a very loyal pet.

3. Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terriers are often called, affectionately or otherwise, “Jack Russell Terrorists.” The word used most often to describe them is energetic.
The Jack Russell was bred as a working farm dog, and it always wants to be in motion.
Owners of Jack Russell dogs need to make sure that their pets get plenty of exercise every day.
Otherwise, the dogs can become restless and irritable, and they might start to chew up the house.
The stubborn streak of a Jack Russell dog can make him tough to train, and his high prey drive can lead him to take on other larger dogs.
The Jack Russell can be hurt in these scuffles, so keep him leashed when in a park or other public place where other dogs can be present.
Unless taken in hand early on, the Jack will assume he is the alpha in any group and will act like it. This can lead him to act aggressively toward strange dogs and people, and many Jacks have little patience for children.
In order to make a Jack Russell a well-behaved member of your family, you need to start his training as early as possible. The dog must be taught to respect all humans, even the smallest child.

4. Cocker Spaniel

Cocker spaniels were originally bred as gun dogs, specializing in retrieving birds and small game in rough terrain.
They are intelligent, energetic dogs that love to play and run around.
Take your Cocker spaniel to the park, and you will see him snuffling around with his nose in the grass, tracking scents, while his tail wags happily.
Cocker spaniels are also very popular companion animals, and have spent decades as one of the most popular dog breeds in the United States. This has led to some overbreeding issues, including a problem called “rage syndrome”.
A Cocker prone to “rage syndrome” can become suddenly aggressive toward strangers, people she knows, or even her own family, and just as suddenly become calm again.
Even without this disorder, a Cocker who is not well socialized as a puppy can tend to become high-strung and overly protective of its owner and territory. You can reduce your risk of getting a raging Cocker by purchasing your pup from a good breeder who understands the importance of socializing puppies from an early age.
A puppy that comes from good breeding stock can become a loving and cheerful member of your family, integrating well with all members of the household, including children.

5. Bull Terrier

As “Spuds McKenzie”, the Bud Light mascot in the 1980s, and more recently as the Target mascot, the bull terrier has gained great popularity as a breed.
This breed of dog is strong and energetic, which means they need vigorous exercise every day.
However, their short coats mean that they are very easy to groom.
The bull terrier has a similar origin to “pit bull” breeds – it was originally bred for pit sports, such as entering a ring full of rats and killing them quickly.
This instinct has not completely left the breed, and it is generally not recommended to keep a bull terrier around small pets such as hamsters, guinea pigs or rabbits.
The modern descendant is not as aggressive as its ancestor, but if not well trained can become domineering and hostile to strangers and other animals. Even bull terriers who display no behavior problems with their own family can be hostile toward strangers.
Like pit bulls, bull terriers are very muscular and tenacious, so if they do bite, it can cause serious injury. Owners need to be willing to put time and effort into training their dog to reduce the risk of biting or other types of aggressive behavior being displayed.

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